.gov.uk domain name registration

Besthost no longer registers or manages gov.uk domain. For that, we have partnered with Openstrike.

If you are interested in registering a new gov.uk domain or transferring an existing one from your current registration agent, please get in touch so that we can ask Openstrike to contact you.

UK domain names

Shorter is better!

The new .uk domains are now available.

Register yours now
WordPress website development

WordPress is a free, open-source website creation and content management platform that can be used for a variety of websites.

Find out more


Webmail is a convenient mean to help you check your email when you are away from your own computer. You can compose, send, receive, forward, search for email addresses and manage email messages from any computer connected to the Internet. Messages are stored with your web space.

Horde and RoundCube are the two applications used to provide you with this facility and are included with all our hosting packages.


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